Melbourne Airport
International Terminal (T2) Expansion
Featured projects
Melbourne Airport is the second busiest in Australia. In 2008 the Airport commenced the largest upgrade of the international terminal (T2) since the airport was built in the late 1960s. Comprising several individual projects, all managed by Root Partnerships, the expansion added a total of 35,000m2 of new space.
Project Overview
The first project was a new 7,000m2 passenger concourse that provided five new aircraft parking bays, three of which have dual-level aerobridges to accommodate the Airbus A380. The second project was the construction of a new outbound international passenger security and Customs processing zone. In addition to the upgrade of the security zone, international baggage capabilities were substantially enhanced to improve efficiency, with space for an additional two A380 baggage carousels. Along with the major redevelopment of existing facilities, RPA completed work on the new international departures precinct which added more than 5,000m2 of new passenger lounges, cafes, bars, duty-free shops and other specialty shops to T2.

Our Role
The fundamental basis of the project brief was to maximise stakeholder communication and minimise impacts on the operational functions of the airport. RP Infrastructure was commissioned to undertake the project management of all aspects of the T2 expansion – from the completion of the original concept design to the tendering, procurement and management of the construction contract – and in so doing not only succeeded in meeting the client’s future expansion needs but also helped transform Melbourne Airport into a twenty-first century facility.
Key Challenge
The T2 expansion occurred in and around an operating airport. RP Infrastructure worked closely with Melbourne Airport and the managing contractor to ensure that construction works were staged and sequenced to minimise operational disruptions, and where they did occur that impacts were controlled.