Hunter & Macquarie Correctional Centres
Rapid Build Maximum Security Prisons
Featured projects
Corrective Services NSW embarked on a program to build Australia’s first rapid-build maximum security prisons. The Macquarie and Hunter Correctional Centres each accommodate 400 prisoners in four wings, each wing with four dormitory pods housing 25 inmates. They have been designed to provide the highest level of security and safety in NSW for officers and inmates.
Project Overview
In addition to the dormitories, other prison buildings include a central support building, clinic, reception building, gatehouse, stores, segregation units, visitor areas and facilities for various prison programs and industries. The perimeter fence system has multiple secure barriers and sterile zones with anti-climb fences.
Our Role
RP Infrastructure provided project management services to Justice Infrastructure & Assets NSW across all phases of the project including: project establishment; stakeholder consultation; master plan review; design development; preparation of contract documentation; contract administration; construction management; and management of the defects liability period. The Department of Justice has assisted the decision-making and approvals process at every step to expedite the rapid-build nature of the concept.
Key Challenge
All parties to the program worked to successfully deliver the projects in extremely tight timeframes. The projects progressed from sketch/concept in May 2016, with the location unidentified at the time, to fully operational facilities in December 2017 (Macquarie) and January 2018 (Hunter). The facilities were a completely new concept, with nothing similar having been built in Australia. The challenge was given to the consultants and the managing contractors to push the envelope and not be constrained by existing building practices.