Eastern Campus Redevelopment Stage 3B
La Trobe University
Featured projects
La Trobe University’s Eastern Campus Redevelopment (ECR) project was an opportunity to unite and reshape the eastern sector of the Bundoora (Victoria) campus. At the same time it was an opportunity to refurbish and upgrade existing staff accommodation and teaching spaces to accommodate projected growth and rapidly changing research and teaching methodologies.
Project Overview
The ECR upgraded the north east sector of the core campus by constructing new collaborative teaching, research and work spaces for the La Trobe Business School. It involved the refurbishment of the existing Donald Whitehead, Martin, and Social Sciences Buildings.
The project required the design and construction of a new façade for the Donald Whitehead building which would be sympathetic with the iconic architecture of La Trobe‘s Bundoora campus. This delivered on the objectives – central to the university’s campus master plan strategy – regarding the adaptive reuse of existing spaces to deliver lively connected campuses and ethically, sustainably managed resources.
Our Role
RP Infrastructure was appointed as project manager for the coordinated program of works, and managed the design and superintended the construction works.
RP Infrastructure was also integral in the development and roll-out of a unique deferred let procurement model that enabled the award of trade packages while design continued; for example the engagement of groundworks subcontractors while internal fit-out issues were resolved ensured rapid progress of works on site.
Key Challenge
The adaptive reuse of the existing infrastructure required intelligent and cost-effective design solutions to blend existing architecture and new construction to deliver an iconic teaching and learning space.
The deferred nature of the project presented challenges during the letting process as there was a requirement to continually baseline trade costs against the budget. Root Partnerships led the significant value management of key packages during the letting process to ensure the project’s budgeted costs were achieved.