Electrical Engineering Building
Capital Renewal & Modernisation Project
Featured projects
The Electrical Engineering Building is a significant 1960s building that required extensive refurbishment to better realise its potential as a teaching and learning facility and to support the requirements of the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications. The University has developed a Project Definition Plan for the refurbishment which responds to the requirements of the School and other groups within the broader university.
Project Overview
The project will improve integration of the building into the wider campus, and connectivity within the building as well as addressing vehicle circulation and traffic issues. The works include demolition and rebuilding of the internal fit-out, replacement of all engineering services (including new rooftop plant), structural works, upgrading the façade, and modifications of levels and access for vehicles in the courtyard area.
Our Role
RP Infrastructure is managing all stages of the works from design through programming, decanting, construction, commissioning and post-occupancy review. Our role has entailed a review of project parameters, risks, and opportunities to establish a preferred procurement approach; a budget and program review; managing the appointment of other consultants and contractors; stakeholder consultation and management, design management, value management and risk management; and contract administration.
Key Challenge
An operating university environment with several simultaneous construction projects happening presents a number of challenges for a project of this size and complexity. Among them: the site is adjacent to academic buildings and student residences so noise, vibration and environmental aspects must be carefully managed; pedestrian and vehicle access through the precinct and via nearby roads must be maintained; and decanting and relocation of personnel has to be timed carefully to fit with the academic year.