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Cabramurra Township Reconstruction
Stages 1 & 2

Snowy Hydro Limited
  • Accommodation,
  • Civic & Culture
Circa $200 million
2020 – 2024
  • Superintendent,
  • Project Manager
  • NSW

Cabramurra is a small township in NSW which was developed in 1954 by Snowy Hydro for their workers. Situated within Kosciuszko National Park, it is one of Australia’s highest permanently inhabited towns at an elevation of 1488m.

In January 2020 bushfires caused substantial damage to Cabramurra destroying approximately two thirds of the township accommodation.

Project Overview

Snowy Hydro commenced reconstructing the township with works undertaken over multiple stages.  Their aim was to develop the town into an alpine village with a central town square, multi-functional spaces that enhance the sense of community, and attractive living precincts for transit and drive-in-drive-out (DIDO) workers. Stage 1 includes a 100-bed transit accommodation building, a new medical centre, bushfire bunkers, walkway link between the new transit building and a 42-bed temporary accommodation block. Stage 2 consists of a 50 one-bed DIDO apartment building and the first stage of the electrical infrastructure to the township. Future stages may involve additional DIDO accommodation and upgrades to existing recreational facilities.

Our Role

RP Infrastructure (RPI) was engaged by Snowy Hydro to provide full project management services for the masterplan and Stage1, and the planning and delivery of Stage 2. RPI’s services included leading the project through the development of the detailed design planning phase; developing and implementing the procurement strategy for the Head Contractor Works; Superintendent services for the construction phase including managing cost, program and risk.

As the project is located in a National Park with limited development control plans, RPI developed Design Guidelines for the reconstruction project and our team worked closely with the client to ensure the project outcomes captured all functional and operational requirements.

Conservation and protection of the environment was a key consideration for the project. A Review of Environmental Factors was developed early in the project for the contractors to abide by, with regular consultation and coordination with National Parks and Wildlife Services. The project team also worked closely with a bushfire consultant to ensure the new construction meets bushfire prevention standards.