Bunjil Place
The City of Casey’s Cultural Precinct
Featured projects
Bunjil Place is an ambitious and iconic project which is the centrepiece for cultural events and gatherings for the residents of Melbourne’s outer eastern and south eastern suburbs.
Project Overview
Bunjil Place comprises twelve individual civic spaces within a single precinct. The 1.6 hectare site forms an integrated cultural precinct comprising an 800 seat theatre with orchestra pit; art gallery; studio; library; meeting rooms; customer service centre; cafe; basement and car parks; as well as council administration facilities. The precinct is further amplified with the inclusion of 5,000m² of open space and community plaza that unites and activates the precinct.

Our Role
RP Infrastructure provided project management services associated with the cultural precinct during the development of the project’s design brief, and design management services for the concept, schematic and developed design phases of the project. Building on our previous engagements to the City of Casey as project advisor and design manager, Root Partnerships was engaged in 2015 as project manager and superintendent for the construction, commissioning and handover stages of the project.
Key Challenge
Based on Bunjil – the eagle of Aboriginal mythology – the distinctive building features a stunning sculpture-like timber grillage structure representative of Bunjil’s ‘wings’.
Images courtesy of The City of Casey.