St Clair High School
School Infrastructure NSW
Featured projects
To replace the facilities destroyed by a fire in 2014, St Clair High School was redeveloped with a staged construction program in order to maintain safe student circulation and continuous school operation.
Project Overview
The first stage included the establishment of a temporary road and temporary student access way to the remaining building and temporary demountable classrooms while a new Innovation Centre and outdoor landscaping area was built. Delivering future focused learning within collaborative and flexible learning spaces the new facilities include 16 teaching spaces, a research area, lecture hall, learning common, kitchen and café. The new outdoor landscaping area saw the remnant building demolished and converted into a full-sized games court and a tiered seating area.
The final stage of the works included the removal of the 24 demountable classrooms, restoration of the sports oval, a new carpark extension and the removal of the temporary site access road. Connectivity between the new building and the existing was paramount to provide a new integrated school. A disabled access ramp was integrated in the building to allow wheelchair access to the new outdoor learning space and games courts.
Our Role
RP Infrastructure (RPI) provided project management services until completion of the project including design finalisation, tender, construction, the relocation and transitioning of the school from the demountables into the new building, and post construction defects liability period. RPI’s role included acting as the Principal’s Appointed Representative under the existing GC21 contract whilst administering the project using the NSW Department of Education project management system. Further, RPI’s engagement included the writing of a Business Case to Treasury which secured additional funding for the project.
Key Challenge
Building on existing structures posed some challenges with the true extent of the structural fire damage and latent conditions only exposed once demolition had commenced. RPI facilitated an environment of clear communication and collaboration to ensure solutions were delivered in a timely manner.