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Precinct planning is at a pivotal moment in Victoria, with major transport, housing and employment precincts set to reshape our cities.
On February 14, RP Infrastructure sponsored the Property Council of Australia ‘Precincts and Cities Outlook’ breakfast in Victoria. The importance of early private sector engagement and streamlined planning processes were key points of discussion.
The panel emphasised the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to unlock better outcomes for precincts and the community.
RPI Director and lead on precincts, Stephanie Hope, shared the below takeaways from the discussion:
- Precincts are fundamental to the growth of Melbourne and driving investment.
- Government needs to be clear on Precinct objectives early in the process to ensure the right outcomes.
- Early engagement with the private sector can assist Government to better identify and understand the commercial opportunities and constraints of a Precinct.
- A whole-of-government approach with clear accountability for decision-making is critical for successful precincts.
- Streamlining planning processes would fast track developments and returns on investment.
RPI Executive Director Tim Eerhard introduced the panel on the day.

The event was also attended by members of our team including Andrew Johnsen, Chris Haughton, Daniel Brennan and Adi Raddi.
RPI values the opportunity to support our clients in this space and contribute to the discussion on how we shape the future of our cities.