Featured projects
As a key driver of our high house prices, the housing shortfall in NSW is well documented. But what’s less well publicised is the profound shortfall in accommodation for vulnerable members of our community.
The University of NSW City Futures Research Centre estimates the number of affordable dwellings required in the state to be more than 300,000 over the next 20 years, to cater for low income families, single parents, the elderly and the homeless, and it’s a similar situation in the rest of Australia.
The NSW government has developed a 10-year plan to help to address this imbalance. A key part of their strategy involves partnering with the not-for-profit sectors. Through a number of initiatives, they plan to deliver 27,000 affordable homes in NSW to vulnerable households. Anglicare, along with other not-for-profit providers, have joined with the NSW government to work together to deliver on that strategy.

Image: Anglicare Development Interior
Building communities not just properties
As a registered not-for-profit community housing provider Anglicare will deliver approximately 1,100 residences across nine developments in NSW, of which 550 will be dedicated to Social and Affordable Housing.
Anglicare has a long history of providing accommodation for the vulnerable and aging and their primary focus is to create integrated developments that bring people together and strengthen the community. As well as providing homes for those that need them most, the developments also include tailored case management support and access to services to improve the tenants’ circumstances.
The scale of this program is well beyond that which falls within ‘business as usual’ and as a result RP Infrastructure (RPI) has been contracted by Anglicare to assist in establishing and managing its Project Management Office for the delivery of the nine developments, as well as to directly project manage the Mount Druitt and Liverpool developments.
“Anglicare’s focus is on high-quality affordable housing which provides better outcomes for their residents and helps build communities,” says Associate Director David Breen who heads-up RPIs’ housing sector portfolio in NSW. “It’s great to be partnering with them on this roll-out of important infrastructure across the state.”
RPIs’ scope of work includes overseeing the procurement and construction and ensuring that the program is delivered within Anglicare’s governance requirements.
The Anglicare developments are based on an integrated housing model containing a mix of affordable housing units, strata residential housing units and independent living units.
“Aside from affordable housing projects, RPI has a strong record in the accommodation sector generally, having delivered projects ranging from private boutique residential developments to student accommodation,” says David.
With a commitment to the NSW Government to deliver this much-needed housing as soon as possible, Anglicare recognised the need to bring on board an experienced advisor.
“An important component of our role has been to develop and define the delivery strategy for the program within Anglicare’s requirements to ensure the risk associated is appropriately managed to protect their interests,” says David.

Image: Land and Housing Corporation Development at Gosford
Experience matters
RPI is expanding further into the affordable housing sector, project managing five developments for the NSW Government’s social housing delivery authority, the Homes NSW.
This includes the delivery of over 200 one and two-bedroom dwellings, as well as providing advisory services to assist Homes NSW in refining their procurement strategy and proforma principal’s project requirement templates for use across their portfolio of projects.
“Ensuring the successful delivery of so many affordable houses will not only provide homes for those in need,” says David, “these developments will ensure services are available that help improve outcomes for the community.”
For more information on the Anglicare Affordable Housing Program click here
For more information on the Homes NSW, Social Housing Projects click here