Penshurst West Public School
Featured projects
Penshurst West Public School (PWPS) is located in South-West Sydney. PWPS was identified as requiring upgrades under the NSW Government’s commitment to provide the latest education facilities for school communities.
Project Overview
The design concept is based on Future Focused Learning initiatives. The Project delivered a new building with seven flexible learning spaces, a Special Programs room, new tiered outdoor seating to enhance open play space, a new presentation space and large open spaced areas which include practical arts areas. Carpark and additional landscaping were also part of the works.

Our Role
RP Infrastructure (RPI) provided project management services from Phase 1 Business Case and Concept Design through to Phase 7 Project Handover & Completion, administering the Project under the GC21 Contract.
RPI managed the design process from Concept Design through to Detailed Design through stakeholder consultation, working closely with the design team ensuring all requirements were incorporated into the design, and within the budget.
RPI managed the Project on the Principal’s behalf based on compliance with the Major Capital Works PMO Procedures and PMO Workflow Process Maps. Services included preparation of tender documentation, managing the contractor and all contractual obligations through to project completion.
Key Challenge
Working within a live school environment presented challenges, with the additional issue that construction vehicle access to the site had to be through shared zones. Upgrading the school’s existing electrical systems (IT and Security) to ensure compatibility with the new system, while ensuring the school remained operational, was also necessary.